
     Introduction to Linux

What is UNIX ?

Unix is the most popular operating system on multi user systems.In 1973, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie wrote the UNIX operating in C.

What is LINUX ?

Linux is an operating system that can perform all the tasks that any currently popular operating system can and it also allows the user to modify and enhance it according to his/her own requirements.Linux is based on Unix operating system.It can be used for different purposes such as for software development, playing games,at work,on desktops,on workstation or on network servers and for multimedia applications.
Open source is the most admirable feature of Linux.Anybody can use it and add to it.One can also alter it and distribute the altered version to others.

Features of Linux :
  • Open Source
  • Network Friendly
  • Multi-user Enviornment
  • Reliable
  • Compatible
  • Secure

There are various different types of commands that are used in Linux.For more details Click Here

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